Vega node how-to guides
📄️ Propose & execute upgrades
The protocol upgrade feature allows node operators to automatically update nodes to a new version of the Vega protocol.
📄️ Restart network with checkpoints
Vega networks support restarts using checkpoints. Checkpoints are a minimal save of the state of the network every N block, or, after funds are moved in or out of the network. They are both a way of restarting a clean chain with the current view of all accounts balances, and a security measure in order to not misplace any funds in case of a major issue that would require a restart of the chain.
📄️ Use snapshots
Snapshots are a mechanism that allow a node be restarted, or join the network from an empty state, without having to replay the whole chain from genesis. A snapshot is taken by the network periodically after every blocks and contains all of a node's active state for that particular block. Every node participating in the network will produce identical snapshots and they will be stored locally on each node's machines.
📄️ Rotate Ethereum keys
Ethereum key rotation is a safety feature that allows validator nodes to manage their Ethereum keys. Every validator node in the network needs three keys: Ethereum, Tendermint and Vega. This section described to how to dynamically rotate a node's Ethereum key.
📄️ Rotate Vega keys
Vega key rotation is a safety feature that allows validator nodes to manage their Vega keys. Every validator node in the network needs three keys: Ethereum, Tendermint and Vega. This section described to how to dynamically rotate a node's Vega key.
📄️ Maintain Multisig contract
The Multisig Control contract contains a set of signers whose signatures are required to complete actions on the Ethereum bridge. The set of signers on the contract should match the set of consensus validators in the network. As validators join or leave the network and the set of consensus validators on the Vega network changes, the signer set on the Multisig Control contract must be updated alongside those changes to maintain the security of the bridge.
📄️ Resolve common issues
Below is a list of common issues with running validator and data nodes, and their solutions.